Minimizing health risks while maximizing students’ learning and wellness during COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us to reimagine safety and learning practices. Schools need concrete guidance and tools, informed by health and education expertise, to do this.
The Parabola Project is a combined effort between healthcare and education experts to provide tools, strategies, and resources for schools to implement safety measures while focusing on students’ wellness and learning.
Implement evidence-based safety measures in schools
Decisions about when and how to reopen schools need to be based on a strong set of health principles grounded in evidence.
We have identified nine core public health principles to guide schools’ plans and strategies for safer school reopening. Each principle includes implementation resources, actionable toolkits, and field examples.
Focus on students’ learning and wellness
Students have experienced learning loss and increased mental health risks as the pandemic disrupted their academic lives. School leaders and teachers can utilize these remote and hybrid learning strategies to help them focus on supporting their students through these uncertain times.

“An operations manual did not exist for district and school leadership on what decisions to make during a once-in-a-generation pandemic. The Parabola Project listened to the concerns of all stakeholders in the field of education, elicited the combined talents of experts in both the education and medical professions, and swiftly produced a product that addressed these needs. These resources have been invaluable as we continue to navigate this ever-changing ordeal!”
- Robert Baldwin, Superintendent of Fairhaven Public Schools, MA
Massachusetts 2020-2021 School Superintendent of the Year
Stories & News
Stay up-to-date with recent stories and news from the Parabola Project team. Read through recently published articles and tune into our latest podcasts.
NE ISTE- Reopen Schools with the Parabola Project: Minimizing Risk While Maximizing Learning and Wellness (Apr. 2021)
SXSWedu- Everyone In!: Bridging Sectors to Tackle COVID-19 (Feb. 2021)
TFA School Leaders of Color- Minimizing Risk & Maximizing Learning: Reopening Schools Safely During a Pandemic (Feb. 2021)
EdSurge: In These Reopened Schools, Students Exceed Expectations Following Safety Rules (Nov. 2020)
Good News: In The Debate About School Re-opening, There Are A Few Things Schools Don’t Actually Need To Do (Oct. 2020)
Parabola Project: Tools and Strategies for Reopening Schools (Sept. 2020)
Parabola Project Launch (Aug. 2020)